First Time Hearing Aid User
If you have never worn a hearing aid before we will make recommendations for you based on your hearing loss, lifestyle and communication needs.
Experienced Hearing Aid User
If you are a hearing aid wearer and would like to upgrade your current hearing aids, we have a wide range of hearing aid styles, technology levels and hearing aid accessories to choose from.
Completely Invisible Lyric Hearing Aid
Beacon Audiology is the only Doctor of Audiology led practice fitting Lyric invisible hearing aids and we have seven audiologists who are fully trained in fitting Lyric invisible hearing aids.
Single-Sided Hearing Loss
Though hearing loss on one side is common it requires immediate attention as it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition.
Solution for Auditory Processing Difficulties
Auditory processing (AP) is described as "what we do with what we hear". Sometimes what a person hears and what the brain interprets might not be the same.
Hearing Aid Accessories
Beacon Audiology provides a wide range of hearing aid accessories including Remote controls and TV connectors for direct streaming from your TV to your hearing aids.
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with Beacon Audiology today
With over 40 years of accumulated experience in performing a high standard of hearing, balance and hearing aid assessments we have the team and equipment to help you.